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Our trainings are just one tool of many we use to help introduce new ways of thinking, acting, and bringing cultural change to organizations and individuals. All of our trainings include leadership and employee development, small and large group discussions, experiential learning activities and the trainers PowerPoint for all attendees to revisit. In order to ensure our trainings are not just a "check-the-box" type of event, we offer what we call "Beyond Training" which includes follow-up and accountability opportunities for all attendees. A few of our most popular trainings include:
Microaggressions are those everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership. In this 3-hour training participants will explore and experience what it takes to interrupt microaggressions and all types of“isms”. This training is very engaging, eye-opening, and empowering.
How to interrupt Microaggression and other forms of “isms” in real-time
How to know when it's about race and all other marginalized identifiers
What to do when the race conversation goes wrong.
Provide participants with a tool-kit to fight discrimination
Title: Speed Hating: A Date with Discrimination & Microaggressions and how to interrupt them.
Summary: Changing an organization's culture is one of the most difficult challenges an organization can undertake. It is even more challenging when trying to dismantle a white-dominant/supremacy culture. This is because culture comprises an interlocking set of goals, roles, processes, values, communications practices, attitudes, and assumptions. that fit together as a mutually reinforcing system and combine to prevent any attempt to change it. This workshop teaches participants how to decenter and deconstruct dominant and inequitable culture by offering new and more equitable cultural norms.
Build a culture of belonging for all
Introduce antidotes and new cultural norms to replace dominant culture practices
Introducing Brave Spaces for all
How to decenter and deconstruct WSC effectively
Title: Creating a Culture of Belonging
Title: Implicit Bias
Summary: “Unconscious bias” and “implicit bias” training are very popular nowadays, and it’s easy to see why. When we can frame the problem as one where people are participating in a system of oppression unconsciously, without malice, it absolves all the blame and affirms a state of racial innocence. When we do this we sugar-coat deeply embedded discriminatory thoughts and beliefs towards others. It tells us: “I’m not bad, because it’s not the conscious part of me that is to blame”; therefore it’s not my fault.” But, where is the urgency and accountability in removing that? However, in this training we are more explicit in calling things out, so instead of calling it “Unconscious or Implicit Bias” we call it what it is: “Complacent Discrimination” or “Ignored Racism” (sexism, ableism, and all other “isms”) as a way to spark the desire for change.
Recognizing personal biases and prejudices.
How to override default thinking and assumptions
Creating new norms
How to effectively and respectfully call out discrimination
Title: Let’s talk about Race: Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Summary: Engaging in real and authentic discussions of race and race-based issues is often a complex, multi-layered, delicate task, requiring participants to recognize their own status and privileges (or lack thereof) with respect to other. American history is steeped in centuries of racism, and, despite significant progress, explicit and implicit racism still exists. As a result, conversations about race are more important than ever. To talk about race in a manner that that leads to something other than frustration requires preparation, humility, and skill. This training provides the skills needed to have successful conversations about race.
The rules of engagement
How to get comfortable being uncomfortable
How to facilitate difficult conversations
What to do if the conversation goes wrong
Practice, practice, practice.
Title: Advancing Workforce Equity and Inclusion
Summary: This training promotes diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. Our goal, simply put but not simply achieved, is to help organizations ensure access, equity, and inclusion in all services, policies, and procedures while helping all employees lean into the work. This training provides useful tools that will help further incorporate core values into all work serving the community. Woven throughout this proposal’s goals and action items are our irreplaceable ideals of being 1) people and mission-focused, 2) accountable and transparent, 3) racially just and trauma-informed, 4) focused where the need is the greatest, 5) dedicated to bringing a sense of belonging to all
• Increase understanding of and commitment to racial equity
• Share effective practices
Policy and Rule changes that reflect equity and racial justice
• Further cross-jurisdictional, cross-community and cross-sector strategies
• Foster post-convening collaboration
Title: Establishing an Equity World View* Series
Summary: This training series helps individuals and organizations move from "resistant" to "ready" when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their blind spots and see what they have been missing. The concepts of privilege, fragility are examined as is intersectionality. Participants need not fear being "called out" during this series, this training is to help participants to be" called in" to the conversation and work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Implicit Bias Training
Embracing Equity: Understanding definitions, getting past defensiveness and finding direction
Introducing intersectionality: Where race, gender, disabilities, sexual orientation, age, and veteran status meet.
*Awakening Series
Title: Equity in Action* Series
Summary: This training series prepares individuals and organizations to lead racial equity and inclusion work. Participants will grow their leadership skills, deepen their self-awareness, challenge inequities, and dismantle white dominant culture and systemic racism in exchange for a more equitable and racially just policies and practices.
The rules of racial engagement
Creating a Culture of Belonging
Eliminating Microaggression by bringing awareness to unconscious biases
Creating a Workforce Equity Strategic Proposal
* "Woke" Series
Title: Train the Trainer* Series
Summary: This training helps individuals move the work when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion. Participants will learn how to facilitate trainings, gatherings, and meetings, as well as difficult conversations around equity and race. Although creating a safe-space for all can never be guaranteed, participants are taught how to create spaces that focus on safety, trust, and belonging for all. Most importantly participants are introduced to equity tools and resources that will help move the work.
The art of facilitating difficult conversations
Creating Brave Spaces
Examining racially bias systems
Enhancing your Equity Toolbox and Resources
* "Work" Series
Wondering what services would fit best for you and your organization? We have identified 3 stages most individuals and organizations go through. They are:
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